Erotic Deviance

Erotic Deviance
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Friday, October 22, 2010

Blessed By A Little Ray Of Sunshine...VC-1

Have you ever known anyone that was a little ray of sunshine?

I am so blessed to have met my first virtual crush (VC-1) online...perhaps a year ago.  I can't seem to find the original emails so I can't be sure.  I call her a little ray of sunshine because she brightens the lives of the people around her.  There is something that I can't quite define about her that I find so endearing.  She has many attractive qualities including a cheerful attitude and a bright, broad intellect.  But there is more to her charm that is just outside my cognitive grasp.  I definitely feel connected to her and that may be part of it.  But she has a mystical spark, that after every phone call, I have a smile plastered on my face for the rest of the day.  It does not seem to matter what we talk about either....which could be anything.

Today for instance, I told her that she was my first Virtual Crush.  I then explained my fascination with the whole concept of virtual crushes and told her about this blog.  Now that I think about it.  She might be the only person that I would consider sharing all my various blogs with because I know that she has knowledge about each topic.  She is more of a reader than I am and she never fails to surprise me.

Take today for instance...I mentioned a book that I just started reading about using trances to enhance sexual pleasure during BDSM activities.  I mentioned it because as I was finishing the Introduction, I thought to myself, "if anyone that I know has read this book then I bet it would be VC-1."  Sure enough she owns it too.

She is also a switch in the D/s BDSM TOP/bottom sense of the word.  We are both very health conscious and she is nearly gluten free.  Unfortunately, I am on a sexual hiatus and we live over a 1000 miles apart.  :-(

The possibilities are quite intriguing to think about.  I often do.

We did go through a rough patch in the road which was quite honestly my fault.  Yes, its a common theme with me apparently.  When I am smitten, I sometimes make some stupid mistakes.  However, she is a strong woman and she quite sternly put me in my place.  At the time it did not feel like a blessing, but it truly was.  She introduced me to the concept of "Namaste" while she gave me a verbal thrashing that I so desperately deserved.  In using "Namaste" I understood that she was saying "Although I am very upset with your behavior and I find it intolerable, I ultimately know that there is good within you and the goodness in me respects the goodness in you."  That kept me in the right frame of mind and I took what she was saying to heart with great respect.  She was right.

She is no longer in the Virtual Crush classification because we have met face-to-face in the real world.  I know what she smells like and I know what it feels like to hold her in my arms, on a warm summer night.  There is nothing virtual or imaginary about my mental images of VC-1.   Above all else, she is my dear friend.  However, our lives may play out in the future, I hope our friendship continues to grow stronger.

I have recently learned an important lesson about blogs and I discussed it with VC-1 who is also a writer/blogger.  Although most people desire to find that special person who will accept them and all their thoughts openly, it is not realistic in many cases to expect that they will do this via a public forum such as blogs.  Regardless of the fact that it may be anonymous, pride is always at stake.  In an ideal world, perhaps we would not be slaves to our pride and we could be completely candid in public without hurting other people and our relationships.  However, that is not reality in any of today's worlds.  Therefore, I will refrain from posting the details of my continuing relationships with Virtual Crushes once they have transitioned to the real world by our first face-to-face meeting.  I will also be considerate of their feelings as best I can.  That's what I would want other to do for me.

I just wanted to be thorough and back notate my first Virtual Crush and the resultant friendship.

ED-  blessed and grateful

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