Erotic Deviance

Erotic Deviance
No more dark alleys for me.

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Very busy lately with work and some personal issues, continuing to learn about NF-1

I've been super busy with work and personal situations outside the scope of this blog.  I have not had the time to attempt to make any new contacts online.  I do not foresee having the time to pursue this soon.  Likewise in my personal life I see opportunities for engaging women in romantic/sexual relationships, however I ignore the IOI's because I am on my hiatus and I do not have the time or money to pursue that at this time.  Additionally, the interest usually comes from women that I deal with regularly in public at places that I frequent.  I have learned my lesson about that.  If you pursue romance with say a bank teller, then it creates an awkward situation, plus she sees your finances.  Then if it does not work out...well, that is even more awkward because you know all the tellers are talking about your faults etc.  So I have a rule "Don't mess with the women on your beaten path or in your own backyard."   The latter meaning work and neighborhood.  There is nothing like bringing a date home and having your ex-GF across the way shooting you the finger or screaming obscenities at you.  "Why did that woman shoot the bird at you and spray the car with the hose as we drove by?"  LOL

NF-1 and I are continuing to email and getting to know each other.  We have a lot in common but we also have some major incompatibilities too.  That is probably for the best as it helps me adhere to my hiatus.  She bought a mini-school bus and converted it for personal travel use.  She did most of the work herself....impressive.  I have similar interests but no time. 

Well back to work,
ED-  busy busy

PS.  I may have noted this before but it's important so I will be repetitious.  I also need to add it to the tidbits of wisdom side bar.  "Every experience is rewarding if we can analyze the results and determine what changes are appropriate to skew the results of the next attempt in our favor."

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