Erotic Deviance

Erotic Deviance
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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Temptations, decisions, or ignore & just work?

It is clear to me that I do not have lots of spare time to pursue new virtual interactions with women at this time.  However, I also know that I should do it because of the rewards and of course it's not healthy to work as much as I do.  Clearly, because of my 24 month sexual sabbatical, I should not be engaging in crushes with women in the real world.  It's too real and it's too difficult both ways.  Friends are not a problem but if there is any chance of a crush igniting then I will avoid women in the real world...for now.  I need a rule to clarify:

"Do not engage women in the real world in anything more than platonic friendship activities.  Avoid the appearance or possibility of real world romantic situations.  Resist the compulsions to reciprocate IOIs and flirtatious behavior."

The latter part of the rule was inspired by 2 women in the last couple days.  First an attractive bank teller who's body language indicated interest and submissive tendencies.  

Second was the checkout lady at Lowe's.  I went in to make my almost late CC payment.  Then I remembered that I wanted some small rope to practice knots.  I picked up a book on knots at Half-Priced books from the clearance section and I wanted some small diameter colored cord to practice with.  Well, when I placed the rope on the counter, the woman (attractive, brunet 40's) smiled suggestively and asked "Getting ready for tomorrow?"  Now the most flirty thing that popped into my mind was to say "Yes, What time are you coming over?"  However, I refrained....sigh....  Well, that led to us talking about my book and knots.  I was reading IOIs from her the whole time.  She then disclosed that she was teaching her son to tie knots.  I ended it politely and left with her feeling good about herself.  That brings up another rule:

"Always try to leave them better than you found them."

It may not always be possible but we should try.  I got this from 2 people:  My dear friend Ka who was my first Virtual Crush does something really neat and she asked me to do it too.  She leaves post-it-notes on public restroom mirrors that say things like "You are a beautiful person."  Then a quite infamous guy from the seduction community RJ actually preaches "Leave them better than you found them."  Surprisingly many of those guys do at least say they follow that motto.  I just think we should be that way with everyone we interact with.  I'm no saint, that's for sure and sometimes I fail miserably...but I try...and try.

Perhaps the world would be a better place if we all left the house daily with the golden rule in mind:

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

So back to the original concern of this post.  I have several messages from women and I do not have the time to pursue interacting with all of them.  Regardless of virtual crushes, which I am not pursuing, time is limited.  So I have 3 choices.  I know little about any of them.  One is young, but eager to learn, bisexual, bdsm curious.  Pretty tempting combo.  The 2nd is lower 40s and seems a good match personality wise and is open like VC-3 was and seems to have depth, and is intellectual, and kinky.  Then the 3rd is a few years older at 50 but quite honestly I cant figure why she messaged me.  She looks good, not that it matters, but we are a terrible match except that she likes out door stuff like hiking/camping and we share musical taste.  Temptations...

Hmmm, I think I will let this sit a bit and see what happens.  I am leaning towards the youngest.  She has a FB or BF so it should be a safer bet that she won't expect anything to terminate in real world sex.

Back to work,
ED - perplexed

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