Erotic Deviance

Erotic Deviance
No more dark alleys for me.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blog Focus Decisions

Ultimately, this blog is for me.  Therefore I will be streaming my thoughts a lot and it may be very dry and boring sometimes.  I will try to spruce it up a bit, for my own enjoyment too.  I will also censor some of my thoughts, language and topics as some of the people who read this are involved.  I do not wish to recklessly cause harm with my thoughts.  I realize that it is somewhat inevitable but at least, perhaps, I can reduce the impact level and frequency. 

I plan to have blogs in the future that are written more for other readers and I will try to be more entertaining.  But not here.  This is my first blog and it's where I intend to chronicle my experiences with virtual crushes & subsequent virtual relationships, especially those that contain kinky sex, D/s, BDSM content.  Although I will undoubtedly include content that applies to relationships broadly, I want to make VCs with D/s BDSM my narrow focus for several reasons.

First, the virtual crush is still new and it fascinates me.  Because of my long time interest in cognition, relationships and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), I am quite curious about how infatuation can be triggered so intensely via text invoked imagination only.  This would seem to bypass some of the components of the current models for attraction as the mind must fill in many of the blanks for the models to hold up. Some of the newer but less scientifically derived models of online generated attraction will analyzed and scrutinized along the way.

Second, I have a life-time interest in kinky sex, D/s, & bdsm.  The concept of remote control D/s is of particular interest to me.  In many ways, this could be very practical and there are examples of people who are making this work to enrich their lives.  I don't have any idea if it will work for me, but I suspect that I will eventually find out.  :-)

Third, I am afflicted with Gluten Sensitivity/Intolerance.  That means that my immune system detects the protein gluten as a foreign pathogen and launches an immune system attack response if I ingest even the tiniest amount.  Gluten is the protein in wheat and some other grains that makes it sticky which helps bread to rise.  My immune system response so sensitive that I can't even breathe any wheat dust into my throat without getting a rash and emptying out my innards.  Luckily, I do not go into anaphylactic shock from it.  But the rash itches like poison ivy and lasts for days.  Unfortunately, I can't even kiss a woman that eats wheat products or uses most makeup.  Yes, even makeup has gluten unless it is specifically formulated and certified to be gluten free.  The point is that this restriction has put a huge damper on the availability of women for real world sexual interaction.  Thus emerged the virtual world.

The 4th reason that the virtual crush has taken on such importance to me is because I am currently on a 24 month sexual sabbatical (hiatus) during post divorce recovery and growth period.  I exited my marriage with a lot of emotional and financial baggage.  It would not be fair to drag that into a new relationship.  I also need to learn some better relationship & communication skills to avert the problems that plagued my marriage. 

So being a social person with strong desire to connect and be romantic, yet unable to in the real world, the Virtual Crush and any subsequent evolving relationships has become intriguing and attractive to me.

Additionally, I will be amending my introductory statement somewhat to reflect the narrow focus. 

That raps up this ramble,
ED - focusing

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