Erotic Deviance

Erotic Deviance
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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Friendly Updates: VC-2 Transitions, ETL-1 MIA, NF-1 New Friend

I think the key theme for this past week was friends. That's a really good thing because I place a higher value on friendships then I do on romances.  Sometimes one leads to the other, but ultimately friends are more important to me than sexual partners.  Perhaps because I prefer intellectual intimacy over sexual intimacy.  That is curiously ironic coming from a guy who has studied human sexuality for over 20 years.  With out a doubt, the combination of the two is ideal.

VC-2 and I exchanged a few emails this week and cleared most of the bad air between us.  The short of it is, that under the stress of rapidly building emotions, we both goofed up.  Sometimes that happens.  I take most of the blame.  No doubt, I could have handled it better and I chose not to based on my pride.  That being established, we both made incorrect assumptions...failed to communicate candidly...had agenda/need conflicts, expectation mismatches...and subsequently made some poor decisions based, to some extent, on our prides.  We are both in transition periods and so we decided to wait until June/July of 2011 and let time cleanse us of the present negativity.  I expect/hope that someday we will have a strong friendship.  That makes me quite pleased & content.  :-)  Because we have spent a lot of time together in the real world, she is no longer virtual to me.  Thus in keeping with the trend that I set with VC-1, I will no longer be including VC-2 in this blog.  Lastly, she is unaware of this blogs existence and I see no reason to enlighten her at this time.  In the future, I suspect that she may find it interesting if not fascinating since we both study human sexuality & relationships.

ETL-1 (Eager To Learn) went MIA.  I'm not surprised and it's not the first time.  Typical of younger women.  I am a bit disappointed perhaps.  She was fun.   :-(

NF-1.  NF = New Friend.  I'm defining that here and now as the result of getting to know more about the wandering Unix programmer who I will subsequently refer to as NF-1.  I will be sharing the link of this blog with her shortly.  She has blogging experience and has granted me permission to include her in posts.  The more we share, the more we seem to have in common.  Sometimes you begin to interact with people and shortly after, you can see how they will likely fit into your life.  Some people call it compartmentalizing relationships.  NF-1 is allusive in my ability to compartmentalize her.  We have some conflicting issues but we also have many commonalities to motivate us to seek solutions.  At the very least, I expect our relationship to be mutually rewarding in what ever form it may take.  What more can you ask for?  But for now, she goes in the New Friends folder.  :-)

In summary, I worked on some prior relationships this week and began the repair process with VC-2.  ETL-1 went MIA again.  I am getting to know NF-1 and I'm both intrigued and pleased.

ED- very friendly mood

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