Erotic Deviance

Erotic Deviance
No more dark alleys for me.

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Well, I decided which ones

In answer to the questions yesterday of which women to message back.  I have answered several questions from a long chat with the twenty something, who I think I will call ETL for Eager To Learn.  She's cool, and charming with how could I not?

Then I had a hard time with the low 40s wandering Unix programmer.  I reread her profile and I can certainly see a lot that is attractive and we should have plenty to talk about but there is one red flag..."I smoke weed errday."  Great!   Here I am...having given up all my substance way I need to hang out with temptation like that.  Once you break substance must avoid users from then on or they will suck you right back in!  So I messaged her and told her that we could never hang out but if she wanted a virtual only friendship, then I was game.

I doubt that she will respond.  I was straight up and did not use any hooks and lures.  I wanted her to make a free will choice.  So right now, both women look equally attractive to me, but both are virtual only prospects.  Which is just what this blog is dedicated to.

Lastly, I dropped the 50 year old.  She seems to have no depth and I've already sent her a topic opening question back...about an empty barn pic that she has up on her profile and she flaked on it with a dead end answer.  I don't have time for that.  I'm not going to make up the whole conversation for her.   

Until later,
ED-  workaholic

PS.  The more emotional distance that I have from VC-3, the more I can see clearly all the thought processes and feelings that led to the crash.  And what do you know?  Surprise, it's all Pride's fault.  Yep, once again, my stupid pride has cost me dearly.  And yet my pride still has no value.  When will I learn?  So I will keep thinking about this pride issue some more but I plan to start another blog and keep track of what my pride costs me on a daily basis.  I wish I had done this years ago.  I've always said "If you make a decision based on pride, then you usually make the wrong decision."  Yet I still allowed it to happen multiple times.  So I am hoping to use the new pride blog to help me rid myself of the burden of pride.   Here is a link to the Pride blog.
The Running Total of What My Pride Has Cost Me

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