Erotic Deviance

Erotic Deviance
No more dark alleys for me.

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Is it possible to find enrichment from a "Dear John, It's over..." letter?

Against my better judgement, I checked my email and received the dreaded "It's over..." termination letter.  I knew it was coming, I hoped for the best, but just know...there is no plausible recovery strategy.  The military calls this FUBAR - Fucked Up Beyond Any/All Repair/Recognition.  When something gets classified FUBAR, you just shake your head and walk or crawl away.  Yep, FUBAR was what I had done to the rapport that I had with my 3rd virtual crush.  It's amazing, how rapport must be built by many acts of kindness and consideration, but it is destroyed by a single mistake.  Oh well...shit and learn...move on...try not to fuck up so bad next time.

Looking back as I walk away...deep inside, a part of me knew that......that I was no good for her.  On the outside she was a strong woman but I could tell how tender she really was.  I just kept telling that voice inside to shut up.  Why, because she was so good for me & I kept telling myself that I could come down to her level of virtual D/s interaction.  Wrong, not for long...obviously!  In the real world, a BDSM player's interaction needs must be matched closely for ideal compatibility.  I just's the same for the virtual world too.  Duh!

I only knew her for a week and she enriched my life in many ways.  Wow, how many people do you meet that you can say that about?  I will have to take an inventory some day of all the ways that I was rewarded.  She is a rare gem and has much to offer the people around her. 

In her last email she further enriched my life.  It was just a little snippet of blog advice and I completely get why she helped me.  But still, I started to contemplate the potential of the information that she gave me and it could potentially be more life changing than I can imagine at this moment.  That invokes a good feeling of being content in this closing.

So after a 1 week ride on a very fast moving Virtual Crush Roller Coaster...which just crashed a few hours ago.  I feel pretty good.  I would not have traded that experience for anything.

Analyzing the emotions that I feel at this moment is a very surreal mix.  I feel some strong senses of loss and failure...but that is mixed with both relief from having closure and elation at the potential prospects ahead.  So it balances out nicely.  :-)

BTW, this is not the first time that I have had a very surreal mix of feeling this week.  And not just from this woman either.  I've finally reached the point where I can see my ex-wife as just a very close friend.  We actually sat down together 2 nights ago and exchanged crush stories without jealousy or envy.  It was very weird but also wonderful.  It helped that she bought a Ferrari for me on her recent trip to Italy.  Perhaps I will elaborate more on this in future posts.  Anyway, what a week!

To my vc #3
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
BTW, I'm retiring the alias VC for me. It will symbolize a special memory of you though.

Farewell to you too,
Erotic Deviance-  off to explore the blog world   :-)

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